Vores services

Vi skaber effektive strategier, stærke identiteter og effektive digitale løsninger


Uanset om en virksomhed er i udvikling eller helt ny inden for branchen, vil vi samarbejde med teams i alle størrelser for at hjælpe dem med at identificere deres formål, forstå deres kunder og definere deres mål.

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Vi skaber brands, som folk husker. Branding handler om at udtrykke en virksomheds værdier og personlighed, opbygge en sammenhængende og konsistent oplevelse, der resonerer med kunder og skaber varige forhold.

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At navigere i den digitale verden kan være kompliceret for kunder. Vi hjælper med at formidle rummet mellem mærker og deres budskab med brugerne og den information, de har brug for. Vi bygger intuitive og engagerende grænseflader, der opfylder deres mål på alle enheder.

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Vores arbejde anerkendes på forskellige kontinenter

Lad vores arbejde tale for sig selv


At arbejde med Nekson var en stor oplevelse. De har en fantastisk vision og ideer og en god forståelse for, hvordan man kan styrke sit brand.



Vi valgte Nekson til at skabe et nyt brandbillede, og vi er helt tilfredse! De var opmærksomme på vores behov, meget professionelle, og de leverede os et effektivt og originalt logo.

Josianne Laflamme


Jeg kontaktede Nekson kun for et logo og nu, takket være deres talent og professionalisme, behøver jeg ikke at lede efter et andet design bureau til mine fremtidige projekter!

Martin Jalbert
Om Os

Vi er et uafhængigt og kreativt bureau i Montreal. Vi er specialiseret i at give liv til ideer, og lande dem i den virkelige verden.


Google Reviews
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Benjamin Denis
13:25 10 Jun 21
The Nekson agency redid our corporate website and we were very satisfied with the work and their professionalism.
Marie-Ève Dumont
12:49 01 Jun 20
Excellent work. He understood the needs of our organization and advised us adequately. The work was also completed quickly. I highly recommend it.
kristina DAMIEN
16:15 10 Feb 20
I used the services of NEKSON to create a logo for my fashion brand: Mallow'lita.They were able to understand and respond to my needs while providing their advice and know-how.Now that I have my logo in hand, I should soon order a website from them for even more results....I really recommend this digital agency.
Kévin Pagès
19:17 13 Apr 19
We were looking for a digital design agency in Montreal that could help us make our website. We found them on Google and their portfolio (especially the project named Quoloc) convinced us that they were the right team to work with!We love our website and how great the team was during the whole process, always listening and advising. Great experts!
Amélie Legrand
02:45 20 Mar 19
I am delighted with the work done by this agency. Beautiful design work, listening to my needs and the result is there. I'm starting again!
Abdoul Diallo
05:32 31 Dec 18
I worked with this agency for a logo and the only problem I had was to be able to chose the right concept for me in all the great concepts they presented to me! But they were also very helpful on advising so I can only recommend them. Will work with them again in the near future!
quentin besse
18:25 25 Dec 18
I worked with Nekson to create a brand new logo for my company.They understood what we were looking for and came up with a final logo in just two weeks and now we can focus 100% on our business and we feel surrounded by an expert design and marketing team with Nekson.
Mélanie Clos
18:06 25 Dec 18
Nekson is a great team to work with. I 100% recommend them!They are professional, very creative and always alert to their clients needs. Thank you for your work!
Jannie Slott Høj
23:54 23 Dec 18
A very professional and effective team with great ideas and inputs
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